Saturday, June 14, 2008

Need Help Planning Your Summer???

The fun days of summer appear to be here...what happened to spring?...
With so many things to fill up your warm days ahead, get out the calendar and carve out a few dates for yourself! Here are a few to get you up and going...

Fiddlehead Yarns July Classes!!!

July 9th, 7:05pm
Milwaukee Brewers Stitch N' Pitch

July 18, 19 and 20
The Midwest Fiber and Folk Festival (Crytal Lake, IL)

August 21, 22, 23 and 24
Stitches Midwest (Schaumburg, IL)

September 5
Fiddlehead Yarns' 2nd Anniversary Sale!

September 5, 6 and 7
Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival (Jefferson County Fairgrounds)
(Fiddlehead Yarns is taking a bus for this great event! $36 includes Coach bus ride and admission ticket to the festival!)

October 3
Yarn Con (Chicago, IL)

November 29
Art vs Craft (Milwaukee, WI)

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